Dilit Italian School

Marco Polo and Turandot Projects for Chinese Students

Through the “Marco Polo" and "Turandot" Projects Chinese students can enter Italian Higher Education Institutions (University, Conservatories, Academy of Design and Fine Arts).

Students pre-enrol in one of the Higher Education Institutions and then, to finalize their enrolment, they have to follow an Italian language course in Italy and pass a final exam at B1 or B2 level which permits them to renew their stay permits without having to return to China.

This course is run in agreement with Higher Education Institutions and is open to "Marco Polo" and "Turandot" students pre-enrolled in an Italian Higher Institution. At the end of the course students can sit the internationally-recognised CELI or CILS examinations at level B1 or B2. Dilit is an accredited examination centre for the CILS examinations of Siena University and for the CELI examinations of Perugia University.

The course starts in November, lasts 40 weeks (42 weeks stay) and is open to beginners and elementary students.
Total lessons: 1000 (of which 36 are reserved for Exam Preparation and about 160 for cultural activities which help to favour integration within Italian social and academic environments).


Course information:

Minimum age: 18

Group size: 5-14

Levels: Beginner

N°. of weeks: 40

Lessons per week: 20

Starting date: 4th November 2024
Course book (mandatory) to be paid at school: € 19
Extra charge for CILS or CELI Exam (optional): € 200.

Course Timetable:

From Monday to Friday; 09.00-12.20 (with 20 minutes break);
Twice a week; 13.30-16.00 (with 15 minutes break) (CILS or CELI Exam Preparation).

Course fees

Course fee includes:

Tuition, internal examinations (DILIT) and all materials except course book.

Enrolment fee:

€ 85. Payable once only, on enrolment; valid for all courses and programmes for 12 months. Enrolment fee includes all reception services (accommodation placement, certificates, etc.), use of school facilities, insurance for all activities organized by the school, seminars and social activities ( except dinners, concerts, operas, visits and excursions).

40 Weeks

€ 6500

Would you like to enrol?