Dilit Italian School

Summer in Rome: Italian Courses and Cultural Discoveries

Summer in Rome: Italian Courses and Cultural Discoveries

Rome, in summer, is quite warm, full of colours, ice cream, open air festivals, events, attractions ... And full of opportunities to improve your Italian at Dilit International House. You could in fact experience something new, full of fun and discovery. In the morning you will follow your Italian course together with new friends from all over the world and, in the afternoon, you can participate in the many different activities organised by the school. You will walk around in this magical city accompanied by one of our teachers: an ice cream in company, visits to the major attractions of the city and among the lesser known streets, tastings and excursions around Rome. But now let’s discover some curiosities about Rome that maybe you didn't know!

Largo di Torre Argentina

In Largo di Torre Argentina there is an immense archaeological area, where, according to legend, Julius Caesar was killed, in March 44 BC, by Brutus and Cassius. Today, around the tombstone constructed in his memory by Octavian, there is a very famous feline colony that seems to guard the Emperor.

Historic Pavement: Sampietrini

Walking in Rome means you are walking on history due to the fact that the very famous sampietrini represent, in fact, a historic pavement. They were invented in the sixteenth century to make the passage of carriages easier. But Rome is not just what you see walking around the city: underground Rome is waiting for you to tell you all its secrets. You will find yourself in front of a real maze: galleries, temples, catacombs: those of Mimitilla and of San Sebastiano are a must.

Rome's Fountains

Imagine: it's August, you've just finished your Italian class at Dilit and in a very short time you're at the Colosseum. It's hot, quite hot. You need to drink. No problem! In Rome there are more than two thousand fountains that are real works of art; the most famous being the Barcaccia del Bernini and the Fontana di Trevi, whose particular history you will get to know in one of the visits organised by the school.

Roma dal Buco

Have you ever heard the expression “Roma dal buco” (Rome from the keyhole)? Maybe not, because this is the classic name that the Romans give to one of the most fascinating attractions of the city: on the Aventine looking through the keyhole of the gate of the Priory of the Knights of Malta you are able to see the dome of St. Peter from a whole new perspective.

Bocca della Verità

Rome is warm, welcoming and superb, but it can also be severe if you are not sincere: do you know the myth of the Bocca della Verità? Outside the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin this large marble face with its mouth open has the right to decree the truth. Be careful because according to legend, it will bite off the hand of any liar who places their hand in its mouth, or, alternatively, any who utters a lie while their hand is in the mouth!

Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi

And again... If you decide to study Italian with your better half, I advise you not to walk counterclockwise around the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi. Here, in fact, a witch had cast a curse that was intended to hit lovers if they dared do so!

Snow at Santa Maria Maggiore

Wait! There's more to come!! If you are in Rome on August 5, there is something at Santa Maria Maggiore you cannot miss… snow, yes snow. Once again according to a legend in 385 A.D. the patrician John and his wife, who could not have children, decide to use their wealth to build a church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the night between 4 and 5 August the Madonna appears to them in a dream and even Pope Liberio, informed of this, declares that he had had the same dream. And so, going to the place everyone had dreamed of, he finds it covered in snow despite the scorching summer. And it is here that the new church will be built. Nowadays if you happen to be there at midnight you can see many white fake snowflakes falling from the sky, a tradition that has been going on for many years.

Rome in Summer

In short... Rome is a magical city even in summer. What about in the evening? Many parks and squares offer the opportunity to watch the most famous films in the history of Italian cinema outdoors. A good way to consolidate your Italian and enjoy the cool evening breeze in this magical city.

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